10 Quick Tips About Walk In Boxes
Whether you are considering buying a walk in box, are new owner of a walk in cooler or have recently purchased a business with a walk in cooler here are 10 tips about walk in boxes everyone should know.
There is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to walk in boxes. Many people believe that walk in boxes only come specific pre-determined sizes. Nothing could be further from the truth there are many walk in box businesses that sell custom made boxes fitted to meet individual businesses needs.
Hire a Professional Installer. Although many people who purchase walk in boxes put them together themselves having a professional install that walk in box for you will cut down the risk of making costly mistakes as well as insure that everything is properly assembled to hold in the cold like it should. A walk in box is expensive enough without having to worry that some little gap will raise your energy bill more than you expected or will end not allowing your cooler to cool properly.
Check the Temperature of Your Walk in Box Frequently. The temperature of your walk in box should ideally be between 35 degrees Fahrenheit and 46 degrees Fahrenheit. When temperatures drop below 35 degrees food that should never be frozen may freeze and if the temperature is higher than 46 degrees then most of your refrigerated food will spoil. It actually could pay to assign someone to check your walk-in box temperatures at least twice a day so if there is a sudden temperature change you have the opportunity to save all the food products stored the cooler.
Never Prop Open the Door to Your Walk in For Extended Periods of time. Whether putting away stock that goes in the walk in box or removing food from the walk in to cook you should never prop open the door to your walk in box and keep it open. Doing so allows a lot of warm air from your building or outside to enter your walk in box lowering the temperature and making the condenser have to work harder to cool the walk in back down. In addition, if you are working in a limited space a open walk in door could create a dangerous situation to your employees.
Have periodic maintenance checks done by a professional. To prevent little problems in your walk in box from becoming big expensive problems have a professional check out our walk in box a couple of times a year. Maintenance checks for your walk in box are far less expensive than having to any major repairs done to keep your walk in box in working condition. A Professional who understands walk in boxes can spot a small problem and fix it before it comes becomes a big problem resulting in spoiled food, costly repairs, and down time for your business.
Lubricate the hinges on your walk in box at least once a year. Lubricating your hinges keeps them working properly. An improperly functioning hinge can prevent the door from sealing properly resulting in spoiled food, and much higher cooling costs. Spending the two or three minutes it takes to lubricate your hinges can save you hours of time and a good deal of money in the long run. Keep a record of each time the hinges are oiled so you can make sure that this small bit of self maintenance is done and your walk in box door opens as closes as easily as possible.
Clean your evaporator and condensing coils at least twice a year. Dirt and dust as well as dampness on your evaporator and condensing coils can affect their efficiency and even cause them to overheat. Resulting in costly damage. In addition your condensing coils remain damp which encourage mold and mildew to grow. Cleaning your evaporator and condensing coils at least twice a year will help keep your your walk in box running smoothly and efficiently for several years to come. In addition, cleaning the evaporator and condensing coils yourself can help prevent problems and keep your repair costs low.
Wipe down all your door gaskets regularly to prevent bacteria or mold growth. Wiping down the door gaskets on your walk-in box a couple of time a week will keep bacteria and mold and mildew at bay and allow you to make sure that the door gaskets are still in good shape. Torn or worn door gaskets can allow warm air to continuously enter your walk in causing the condenser to work overtime and the inside of your walk in to experience a rise in temperature that could result in spoiled food and wasted money.
Clean up all spills on your walk in as soon as they occur. If you want your walk in box to be safe for both customers and your employees make sure that all spills are cleaned up as soon as they occur. Food that collects on walls on the floor of your walk in cooler only serves as havens for bacteria and mold and mildew to grow as well as making your walk-in floor slippery risking accidents to other unsuspecting employees.
An Organized Walk-in box improves efficiency and makes inventory a cinch. Lastly it is always wise to organize your walk in box when you first get it and label the selves places where specific food goes, this allows anyone putting away stock or removing food from the walk in to do quickly and efficiently. In addition, having specific areas for each of your walk-in products will make doing inventory and keeping up on everything you need much easier than you may have expected.